Family-Friendly Rappelling Sports in Northern, VA

Rapelling - Brooke Raboutou

Family-Friendly Rappelling Sports in Northern, VA

Rapelling - Brooke Raboutou

Are you a seasoned climber teaching your children to rock climb and covering essential skills or are you new to the sport and wanting more family practice with basics like rappelling? Regardless of your level of experience, rappelling is an important skill for all climbers to properly master. 

Disclaimer: rappelling can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Climbers of all walks must avoid complacency when it comes to this activity. Whether you are a fledgling or seasoned climber, it is important to remember the proper steps and checks when rappelling to ensure you get safely to the ground. If you are new to the activity, be sure to seek the guidance of more knowledgeable climbers and canyoners when learning to and practicing rappels. Expert supervision is highly recommended (YouTube DIY is heavily discouraged).

What is Rappelling?

Rappelling is a skill that often comes up in rock climbing and a big canyoneering and mountain rescue skill as well. There is also evidence that Indian warriors used the skill in battle when besieging their enemies. What is rappelling? Also known as “abseiling” this skill involves descending steep terrain (such as a cliff face or vertical rock slope) with the use of a rope. 

Rappelling is a top-down activity. In terms of climbing, a rock climber typically rappels to descend from the top of a route or climbing pitch when it is the best or only option. With multi-pitch climbing, there can be either a standard walk-off (safe hike off the top of the route down a climber’s trail) or a rappel route off the rock. There are a few types of rappelling (rappelling off a fixed line, simul-rappel) but typically, the most common is the double-strand, standard rope rappel.

What Equipment Do You Need?

Depending on what type of rappelling you are doing, there are different rappel devices that can be used. Old-school canyoners use Super 8 devices but primarily, you will see climbers sticking with the good ole ATC belay/rappel device. Whatever the choice of friction device (and if you accidentally drop it, you can always see your way out with the knowledge of a Munter hitch), rappelling requires friction.

Other standard gear that climbers need to rappel include a rope, an anchor (ideally with rappel rings included), a harness, and a personal anchor system (PAS). Carabiners are useful to have but not always required. Helmets are a personal preference for climbing activities, but we recommend that you always wear one regardless of whether you are cragging or out on a multipitch adventure (safety first).

Proper Rappelling and Safety

When a climber is on rappel properly, they are using their friction device of choice and are in control of their descent. When done correctly, rappelling is a very safe activity. Rappelling is a technical skill, so it is important for folks to learn the ropes from a skilled professional. Hiring a guide for instruction is a great option but is often more expensive than choosing to learn these skills from expert climbers at your local climbing gym.

While descending a rope on a rappel may seem like a simple activity, it requires a bit of technical knowledge that is not necessarily intuitive for beginners. Skills like knowing how to extend your rappel properly and use a third hand like a prussik, autoblock, or climb heist are all best learned in face-to-face instruction.

Family-Friendly Rappelling in Northern Virginia

Are you interested in rappelling near you in Manassas Virginia or the greater DC area and wondering where you can find a place to practice rappelling and learn to rock climb nearby? Vertical Rock Climbing and Fitness Center has you covered.

Our family-friendly gym provides the perfect environment to foster learning, and our experienced instructors can train you up on the skills you need to rappel safely. Want to learn more? Visit our website to see what Vertical Rock has to offer.